tapas r Pastry Cutter E A Bead Letter D


T ( H ) i n coloured card disc letter k



Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thing 5 More Flickr Fun

I'm trying to do some catch-up here, so am running through Thing 5 kind of quickly. I had been to several of the sites in my initial exploration of the 23 things site a month ago. This time instead of just oohing and ahhing I played around with the tools. I read the comments on the Thing 5 link to see what experiences others had had. It really helped when I was ready to upload my spellings to my blog. I easily found the 'add a page element' link and then, because I had read the Thing 5 comments, knew to choose the html/java option, and paste in the html language from Flickr.

Students would have a blast with these tools. I worry most about the limitations of the district technology. I am doing most of my work from home because the network at school is maddeningly slow. It is a major obstacle to any of these new web 2.0 tools. The next discussion would have to be blocking of sites that would make education relevant to students' lives.

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